Norma TIPSTRIKE .308 Winchester 170gr
Wound Channel
Stopping power
Calling roe deer can be very effective, especially if the rut is still active. There are many theories about what works best, some think you should start cautiously and take breaks, while members of Normas Pro Team report that it is intense lure sounds, of varied volume, mixed with anxiety sound is often a winning concept.
A deer camouflages itself very well. Explore the terrain through binoculars, even up close. Sometimes the eye misses what the binoculars see.
A good rifle support is literally the mainstay of a safe and good shot. It also relieves the weight of the weapon and makes it easier if you are to call on your stand, or want to use the binos.
Breaking the contours is important, especially when calling roebucks, because they can get very close. Even if using camouflage is good, it is still more important to never stand in silhouette against, for example, sky or light background.
Bring a friend, wife or child on your hunt. Even if they do not hunt themselves, it creates an understanding of the hunt, and in addition, the roe buck hunting is usually a very quiet and pleasant form of hunting to begin with.
Text: Staffan Johansson #teamnorma